Volkswagen Beetle 1.2 TSI DSG (A) Price Graph
Price Date COE QP ($)
spacer$129,900 with COE
28-Jan-2021$43,501 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$129,900 with COE
21-Jan-2021$43,501 (CAT A)
spacer$126,900 with COE
07-Jan-2021$40,609 (CAT A)
spacer$126,900 with COE
24-Dec-2020$40,556 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$126,900 with COE
10-Dec-2020$40,714 (CAT A)
spacer$123,400 with COE
05-Dec-2020$37,690 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$123,400 with COE
19-Nov-2020$37,690 (CAT A)
spacerDownspacer$121,400 with COE
05-Nov-2020$35,990 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$122,400 with COE
22-Oct-2020$37,334 (CAT A)
spacerDownspacer$121,400 with COE
08-Oct-2020$36,534 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$123,400 with COE
24-Sep-2020$38,504 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$122,400 with COE
10-Sep-2020$37,766 (CAT A)
spacer$120,400 with COE
01-Sep-2020$35,710 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$120,400 with COE
20-Aug-2020$35,710 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$117,400 with COE
06-Aug-2020$33,000 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$116,900 with COE
04-Aug-2020$32,699 (CAT A)
spacer$115,900 with COE
23-Jul-2020$32,699 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$115,900 with COE
09-Jul-2020$33,520 (CAT A)
spacerDownspacer$110,900 with COE
19-Mar-2020$31,210 (CAT A)
spacerUpspacer$111,900 with COE
05-Mar-2020$32,699 (CAT A)
spacer$108,900 with COE
20-Feb-2020$32,999 (CAT A)